Sunday Best


When people think of stalkers, they typically think of a stranger lurking in the bushes and looking into their homes, with ill-intentions. However, in reality, the majority of us who encounter stalking behavior will be stalked by someone we know, often a former partner, a family member, a past acquaintance, and will typically be stalked because someone wants to maintain or build a relationship or seek contact, not because violence is intended. Or maybe it is. Sometimes we can't know what is in a person's mind or maybe we know! Most stalkers are not psychopaths, because stalking most often hinges on wanting to form a relationship with someone, which is in congruent with the callousness and lack of emotional capability that characterizes psychopathy. Some stalkers demonstrate narcissistic traits, such as entitlement. There is no single reason why someone stalks.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. I have a family member that refuses to accept me but cannot refrain to wanting to know everything about me. The same with my stalker woman who posts negatively but does not look at the blessings she has and attempt to make her life better. I had a mother who could not say a good thing about me and even after death, her damage and cruelty continues on. I understand the difficulty in forgiving those who have blamed me for events and situations that I was never a part of. I am grateful for the strength to carry on, to grow stronger, better, more accomplished, and confident.
Yesterday was a day of enlightenment, smiles, and new beginnings. Today brings hop for healing, love, and grace. Sunday dinner with my beloved, chats and texts with loved ones, some homework, reading, and preparation for a new work week, and better today than I was yesterday. And marvelous tomorrow!


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