
 The parable of the lost sheep explains, in terms that ordinary people of the time could understand, how the ‘good shepherd’ worries over the loss of a single sheep and rejoices when that single sheep is found. God, says Jesus, cares and is worried about each one of us. When we lose our way, God will not abandon us even though family members and friends will. He would keep reminding us, through the goodness of others around us, that there is a better way to lead our lives. For Christians, this goodness comes through volunteers and groups of the faithful who engage in daily prayer, and I am grateful for those who I pray for, pray for me, and pray with me.

Nowadays, it is easy to side with anyone who tells us that by associating with ‘wicked people’ we are being wicked ourselves (even though we have skeletons not yet revealed). The meaning is simple yet profound: lost humans need a loving, personal Savior. Jesus taught this lesson three times in succession to drive home His meaning. God deeply loves and cares personally for us as individuals and that means ME. We are valuable to him, and He will seek far and wide to bring us back home to Him. When the one who was lost returns, the Good Shepherd receives him/her back with joy, and He does not rejoice alone.
I love the painting that is illustrated with this post! Yes, that is me! My beautiful, compassionate, loving, honoring my shortcomings and weaknesses, and somewhat rebellious self!
"In the parable of the lost sheep, a shepherd has a hundred sheep. One of the lambs wanders off and it lost from the fold. Perhaps this lamb was distracted by something that looked interesting. Perhaps he laid down to rest while the rest of the flock moved on. Whatever the reason, this lost sheep became lost and could not find his way back. When the shepherd discovers that the lamb is lost, he immediately goes in search of it. Once found, he places the lamb on his shoulders and brings it home rejoicing. In our high-tech, low-spirituality world it can become easy to stray from the fold. Always intending to catch up later, only to find the darkness closing in and the fold nowhere in sight. Sometimes when we wander off, we mistakenly think the shepherd has forgotten us. We feel alone and scared and believe that there is no way back. The longer we wander in the wilderness the harder it becomes to believe that anyone knows we are missing or that anyone is looking for us. As leaders we are bound by covenant to go to the homes of those who are lost. To pick them up and put them on our shoulders and bring them back to the fold. The shepherd in the parable was not worried about what the sheep might think of him showing up so late. He was only concerned that he finds the lost lamb and bring it home."


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