Journal Post Day 365


The last day of the year!  And what a year it has been!!  We have seen the best of the best; the worst of the worst.  Some of our freedoms have been taken away with the pandemic.  We have had to invent a new way of negotiating our daily lives.  I have not been disappointed as I enjoy being alone, being creative, reading, painting, writing, and playing my piano.  Do you know why the end of the year is so important?  Why it is important to define what comes next?

The end of the year is the perfect time to reflect not only on what happened during this year but also to find out what comes next.  It is the best time to align objectives, to align what needs to be done, and meet the new year with enthusiasm and earnest.

As I ponder my last day of the year, I look back and remember that even though difficult with the challenges of my husband's health issues, I have progressed in a way I thought that I never could.  I have a home that is warm, comfortable, and inviting.  It is a fort against the elements of snow and wind.  

Steven Spielberg wrote, Every single year, we're a different person.  I don't think we're the same person all of our lives.   I have found that it is beneficial to have a year-end reflection. Here are the reasons it is so important and the benefits you derive from an annual reflection:

  • Allow you to see how far you have come in the past year
  • Recognize your improvements
  • Enable you to celebrate your successes
  • Understand what you can do better
  • Let you learn from your challenges
  • Stop you from making the same mistake twice
  • Help you to make better decisions going forward
  • Discover areas to focus on for personal growth
  • Help you to feel more fulfilled
  • Increase your productivity
  • Allow you to make better use of your time and energy
  • Increases self-awareness
  • Help you to feel more motivated as it is easy to focus on the negatives rather than the positives
This will help thought processes and to set up goals for the new year!  Integrating reflection into my end of year rituals will positively impact my personal growth.  I have found that writing an end of week and end of month reflection allows to critique my process and flow.

Happy New Year!


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